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Brooke Lanziner: "I was a very shy girl, but whenever i got on stage i felt very comfortable."

We were talking with the talented Brooke Lanziner, a Canadian artist, songwriter and folk / alternative rock singer, who has just released her second single and her first music video "Relapse".
Versión en español

Since she was a child, Brooke was involved with art, she went through competitive dance training, joined the jazz choir of her school, took theater classes and spent most of her time training and acting. At age 24 she had an identity crisis and that was the point where she decided to dedicate herself to music 100%, in this interview she talks about her beginnings, what music and art in general mean for her and many other things.

1. From an early age you where into the performing arts, even as an actress. At what moment did you decide to make a turn into music?
When I was 24, I was pursuing a career in both acting on camera, and musical theatre, but I wasn’t having much success at either. I was starting to completely dread going to auditions; I felt very depressed and down on myself. It caused a sort of life crisis for me, and I felt like I was at a personal rock bottom. It forced me to re-evaluate what my true dreams really were. Singing was what made me happiest, but I didn’t believe I could ever write music that anyone would want to listen to. It took me another 6 months or so, after I decided I would be a singer, to start writing music, but once I did, I coudln’t stop.

2. Was there someone who pushed you to enter to music world?
There wasn’t one specific individual who pushed me to pursue music, but I recieved a lot of encouragement from musicians I had met throughout the years who had heard me sing, telling me I should pursue it professionally.

3. What does your family think about a music career? Do you feel they've been supportive?
I’m very lucky to have an incredibly supportive family. My mom is a singer also, so I feel like my sister and I were actually encouraged to pursue careers in performing arts over anything else. 

4. When and How was the first time you went on stage?
I think maybe it was a dance recital when I was 6 or 7 years old. Either that or a school Christmas concert. I was a very shy kid, but for some reason I felt very comfortable on stage, I got a rush from it that I hadn’t experienced doing anything else.

5. Which music genre do you consider has marked more your career? Which bands or solo singer inspired you?
Alternative, Rock and Folk are the genres that I gravitate towards for the most part. David Bowie is my idol, and other artists I listen to a lot are Timber Timbre, Conor Oberst, Lana Del Rey, Joni Mitchell, Norah Jones, Jessie Reyez, Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Kandle Osborne ...(I could go on forever!!)

6. "Relapse" is the name of your first video clip. How was the experience of recording that video?
Leading up to the shoot date was very stressful, I was very worried that I wouldn’t be able to capture the vision I had created in my head. But when we shot the video, my best friend, Ashley Lang, played a huge role in getting me to stop overthinking, and refocus on the core emotion of the song and helped coach me to express it truthfully. It ended up being an incredible experience; I was very happy with the footage we got and the final edit.

7.- In "Relapse" you speak clearly of the physical aspect of a loving relationship. Was that song inspired by some personal experience of yours or someone you know?
“Relapse” was inspired by a personal experience. After ending a serious relationship, I found myself in a series of relationships with men who didn’t want to commit to me, but who would lead me on and say a lot of things that suggested they would someday. So “Relapse” was my retaliation, to sort of say “how does it feel to only be valued for your body?”
You can follow her in:
Instagram: @brookelanziner
8.- "Creep On Back" is a song that talks about a relationship that you can not escape. What inspired you to compose/write it?
I didn’t actually write “Creep On Back” about a person, but rather a traumatic event that caused a lot of paranoia and anxiety for me. I like to leave the interpretation of the song up to the listener though, it’s really cool to hear other people’s take on it.

9. Up until now, what do you consider the most important achievement of your musical and acting career?
When I was in highschool I was in a performance group called “ShowStoppers”, and we got to perform at a bunch of Olympic events when the Olympics were in my hometown (Vancouver) in 2010. There was something so incredible about having the whole world in your city, and even more incredible to perform for them. The energy was electric.

10. Do you have any anecdote that has marked your life as a person in this medium?
Hmm, none come to mind. I can say that overall, my experience in the music industry here in Toronto has been very positive, and that so many other artists have been incredibly welcoming and supportive, and it has led me to some of my closest friendships.

11. Tell us about your particular style and how did you get there? Do you plan to venture into any other genre at any time?
I think I’m still discovering what my exact style is. I definitely started out writing more in the Folk genre, but after working with my producer, Guillermo Subauste, I’ve started to understand how much endless possibility there is with music production. I would really like to add a bit more of an edge to my music, and to develop a deeper understanding of different kinds of instrumentation to add in. 

12. Do you dedicate 100% to music or do you have any other facet?
Currently I’m focusing on music 100%. I do plan on doing some more acting in the future, and it was really cool to bring my dance training into the “Relapse” music video, so I plan to incorporate more dance into my artistry in the future as well.

13. Have you ever had to give up on something to enter your career as a singer? (Something you like to do/ Friends or family) 
Surprisingly enough, I haven’t really had to sacrifice anything yet in order to pursue music, I’ve only gained more friendships and enriched my life.

14. Did you visit other countries as a singer or do you plan to to, which countries?
I haven’t gone on a tour yet, but that would be incredible and is definitely something I plan to do sometime in the next couple of years. “Relapse” has gotten such a wonderful response from Latin American countries so I would definitely want to visit some of them!

15. Which is the personal motto or advice you live by?
““Never work for other people at what you do, always remember that the reason that you initially started working was that there was something inside yourself that you felt, that if you could manifest it in some way you would understand more about yourself and how you co-exist with the rest of society. I think it’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people’s expectations; I think they’ll produce, they’ll generally produce, their worst work when they do that. The other thing I would say is that if you feel safe in the area that you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth, and when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” – David Bowie

16. What would you say to people who are thinking about dedicating themselves to music?
It is an extremely fulfilling path to go down, so long as you create for yourself, and not with what other people will like or accept, in mind. But if you’re doing it for the right reasons, you really can’t go wrong.

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